Hollsco Group - VBIndent Documentation
About VBIndent
VBIndent began life as a simple code formatting utility for Microsoft
QuickBASIC 4.5 and Basic 7.1 PDS. When it was ported to process Visual Basic
code, starting with Visual Basic version 3, new features were added,
including backups of source files, code and variable profiles, addition of
module headers and variable name type identification.
The module headers and variable name type identification were ideas taken
from Mark Warhol’s The Art of Programming with Visual Basic, published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc, ISBN 0-471-12853-8. If you write Visual Basic code,
or are considering a career programming in any language, you must go to
amazon.com and buy this book,
now! It is by far the best book of its kind,
and you will become a far better and more employable programmer because of
reading it. </plug mode off>
Stop! If you do nothing else before running VBIndent, go to the bottom of
this document and read the limitations! There aren’t many, but if your
program falls into one of them, you may be setting yourself up for problems!
Some things you should note
VBIndent has not been run on every VB6 program ever written. There may be
bugs in it, which have not been found while running against your particular
VB6 routines. The author is most interested in finding previously overlooked
problems that VBIndent has in processing source code. If you find something
that VBIndent does incorrectly, please email us at . It would be prudent for
you to back up your source code before running VBIndent on it. If VBIndent
does something bad to your program, you are responsible. We will do all that
is possible to fix the problem in VBIndent, but you need to tell us about it
VBIndent was designed to run against VB6 code. It should also have no
problems running against VB3, VB4 or VB5 code. VBIndent will not run
properly against VB.Net code!
Use at your own risk. Hollsco Group is not liable for unwanted changes,
damage or loss to your source code. BACK UP YOUR SOURCE CODE.
What Does It Do?
VBIndent examines your Visual Basic code line by line and makes adjustments
to improve readability, ease of maintenance and structure. It is quite
capable of taking poorly written code and turning it into easily read,
easily maintained code.
VBIndent will indent nested loops and structures properly, based on an
indentation value that you give it. It will remove multiple blank lines, and
insert blank lines where required for readability. It will take lines that
contain multiple statements separated by colons, such as:
For Count = 1 To 10: Debug.Print Count: Next Count
And split them apart into readable, structured, nested lines:
For Count = 1 To 10
Debug.Print Count
Next Count
More than anything else, this feature turns spaghetti code into readable
code. It will also detect nesting errors that the Visual Basic editor
cannot. For instance, when Visual Basic encounters the following code:
For Count = 1 To 10
If a = b Then
Debug.Print Count
Next Count
End If
Visual Basic will simply tell you there is an error - somewhere. VBIndent
will insert a marker, at the exact line where the coding error occurred:
' >>>>>Error - Expected "Else/ElseIf/End If"
If VBIndent reports an error, simply do a search in your code for the text
">>>>>Error" to find the problem.
Formatting Comments
VBIndent will find all comments beginning with "Rem" or a single apostrophe,
and will tab all of these comments to a given column, so that all comments
in the code line up, making them easier to read. Any comments beginning with
"Rem" will be changed to a single apostrophe, for readability. If any line
of code runs past the column that the comments are being formatted to, the
comment will be extended past the preset column. For this reason, if you
wish to return all comments to their original places at the end of each line
of code, run VBIndent with the column value set to "1". Any comment that is
on a line of its own will be moved to the beginning of the line, rather than
the preset column. An example of code, before and after the comment
formatting has taken place is shown here:
For Count = 1 To 10 ' This is a loop
If a = b Then Debug.Print Count: Exit For ' Does a equal b?
Next Count ' We're Done
For Count = 1 To 10 ' This is a loop
If a = b Then ' Does a equal b?
Debug.Print Count
Exit For
End If
Next Count ' We're Done
Project Backups
If this selection is checked, VBIndent will create a directory off the main
project directory called "VBIndent Backup". Each time VBIndent is run, it
will copy the old version of each file it has scanned into this directory.
After running VBIndent, it is prudent to compile and test your program. If
something has happened which causes your program to behave incorrectly, you
can copy the original file back in its place.
Note: The core code modification routines inside VBIndent have been in use
and tested worldwide for over ten years. It is highly unlikely VBIndent
will make any modifications to your code that will cause it to function
differently. If this unlikely situation does occur, please contact the
program’s author so the problem can be rectified.
Code Profiles
VBIndent will create a profile of your project when it has completed
processing. This profile will help you track which procedures are where, and
which variables are being used in which places. The profile will contain
details for each module inside the main project file. The profile is
generated as an HTML file, as well as an XML file for use in source code
management systems.
Module Headers
VBIndent can insert pre-defined module headers into each program module.
These headers appear as normal code comments before the module begins:
’ ***********************************************
’ ** Function Name: Testing
’ ** Written By: Amy
’ ** Date Written: 10/29/2001
’ ***********************************************
’ ** This function does nothing of any use
’ ** whatsoever
’ ***********************************************
Public Function Testing (a As Integer) As String
For Count = 1 To 10 ’ This is a loop
If a = b Then ’ Does a equal b?
Debug.Print Count ’ Print the value
Next Count
End If ’ End of routine
End Function
The Module Headers can be used to specify the date of creation, date of
modification, original author, modification history, and so on. VBIndent
allows you to customize the header to conform to any requirements or company
standards that are currently in use. When this option is selected, VBIndent
will automatically pop up the window allowing you to edit the header
contents. Edit the contents of the header so that it contains the text you
wish inserted at the top of each subroutine. The header text will be
inserted as a comment into the code - you do not need to include the single
apostrophe or "Rem" statement in front of it.
Note: VBIndent will not insert header text into any subroutine that already
has comments at the top. This is to avoid inserting multiple copies of the
header. If you already have comments at the top of a subroutine as shown
above, VBIndent will not insert a header there. You can override this option
by checking the "Replace Existing Headers" box. If this box is checked, any
existing headers on all modules will be lost, and they will be replaced with
the header you have specified.
Rename Variables
One of the most powerful functions of VBIndent is its ability to rename
variables inside your program. This idea is taken directly from Chapter 1 of
Mark Warhol’s The Art of Programming with Visual Basic. VBIndent will
allow you to alter the characters used to represent the scope and type of
each variable. You may use either upper or lower case characters, from A to
Note: VBIndent will only recognize and alter variables that are explicitly
declared with the Dim, Public, Private or Global statements, or passed as
arguments into a subroutine, function or property. It is highly recommended
that you use the "Option Explicit" feature in Visual Basic to require these
declarations. To select this, start Visual Basic, click on "Tools, Options",
and select "Require Variable Declaration." This will not affect your current
programs - only new programs. You will have to alter your current programs
manually to use the Option Explicit feature.
When variables are renamed, VBIndent will insert the scope character, type
character, an underscore, and then the previous variable name. A global
string variable called UserName could be renamed to GS_UserName. Any
variables that are found by VBIndent to begin with two characters and an
underscore will be assumed by VBIndent to have been previously renamed, and
it will not alter them again.
With the release of version 6.4, a new feature was added. DEBUG Mode was
introduced in response to problems some people had experienced from time to
time. VBIndent cannot possibly have been tested against every piece of
Visual Basic code ever written, therefore from time to time it would
encounter some new type of code that would cause it to lock up and stop
processing. Historically, it has been very difficult to determine which code
was causing this problem. This has been solved with the new DEBUG Mode. To activate DEBUG mode, click on the Help menu, and select "Debug". A
warning message will appear, and a big red "DEBUG" button will appear on the
Warning: It is extremely important that you back up your source files before
running DEBUG mode! Pressing the DEBUG button will cause VBIndent to stop
running, even if it hasn’t finished processing your files, so your files may
be left in a partially processed state. BACK UP YOUR SOURCE FILES!!!
To use DEBUG mode, begin processing your files normally. When VBIndent
appears to have stopped (the progress bars are no longer moving, and have
not reached 100%), click the DEBUG button. A file called Debug.txt will be
created in your project directory, and will be displayed in NOTEPAD. Send
the contents of this file to to allow us to examine the code causing the
problem, and to modify VBIndent to fix the problem.
VBIndent Limitations
Line Labels
If you have a line label that is not referenced by any GoTo or GoSub
statement, and you have other statements following that line label, VBIndent
will separate the statements on that line and remove the colon identifying
the label as a label. For instance, if you have code identified with a
label, which is not referenced by a GoTo or GoSub statement such as this:
Marker: Debug.Print "Hello World"
VBIndent will change it to this:
Debug.Print "Hello World"
Obviously "Marker" is not a valid Visual Basic statement, and this code will
not compile properly. There are three different ways to fix this problem.
The first is to make sure that every line label is referenced by a GoTo or
GoSub statement:
GoTo Marker
The second is to make sure that all line labels are on lines by themselves:
Debug.Print "Hello World"
And the last (and best) way is to remove the line label, and get rid of the
GoTo or GoSub statements entirely. Let’s face it - in this age of
structured, object-oriented programming, if you’re still writing BASIC code
using GoTo or GoSub, you need your head examined!
When renaming variables, VBIndent will not rename constants. You’ll have to
do those yourself. The reason for this is that Visual Basic will determine
the most appropriate variable type for each constant, depending on its
value, at compile-time. There is no way for VBIndent to know what that type
will be, so it leaves constants alone. You may wish to do a global search
and replace inside the Visual Basic environment to rename your constants to
reflect the renamed variables, both in scope and type.
Implied Variants
When renaming variables, if you declare a variable, or use it in an argument
list passed to a subroutine, but do not explicitly declare the type,
VBIndent will automatically assume the variable or argument is a Variant,
just as Visual Basic does. It is recommended that for code clarity, speed
and size, that you explicitly declare the type of all your variables and
arguments when declaring them.
Similarly, if you declare a dynamic array without a variable type (which
defaults the type to Variant), then later ReDim that array to a specific
variable type, VBIndent will not find that redefinition, and will refer to
the array throughout the code as a Variant. This is bad coding practice
anyway. Always declare your variable types when you declare your variables!
Byte Counts
If you are renaming variables, and have VBIndent set to create a code
profile, the byte counts of the final output will be incorrect. The reason
for this is that VBIndent generates the code profile on the first pass of
the code, therefore any changes made to variable names on the second
(renaming) pass are not incorporated into those byte totals. This problem
will not occur if you are not renaming variables.
Shared Code
Sometimes you may have individual modules or classes that are used by more
than one project. Running VBIndent on one program will modify the shared
module, "breaking" the other project. The way around this is to follow this
1. Make a backup copy of all the shared code. 2. Run VBIndent on the first program. 3. Copy the original shared code back on top of the now-modified code. 4. Run VBIndent on the second program.
VBIndent will modify the shared code identically both times, so that both
programs will be referencing the same variables in the module. It is
important that you do not change the scope or type settings in VBIndent in
between processing the first and second program.
Note: If your classes are properly encapsulated, where the only interfaces
to them are Properties, you do not need to do this - VBIndent will not
modify property names. However, if you are defining Public variables in your
class module to act as properties, these will be modified, and you will need
to use the procedure described above.
VBIndent is Copyright © 2002 Hollsco Group.
Visual Basic is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
This page Copyright © 2005 Hollsco Group. All rights reserved.
All specifications subject to change without notice.